For May
These comics are closed-captioned for image-impaired browsers


I'm a fan of the Animaniacs!
Wakko getting burrito  PUNCHline

While you're here, see past months' comic strips using the following links.

<--See April's comics

See the comics for ANY month

Even the comics page is closed captioned! If you have a text-only browser, which is very UNlikely, or you have images turned off, you can still see what's going on, even though it's a LOT more funnier with the pictures.(Bad grammar intended. Don't complain!)

©2000 Lunchmeat Productions. All Rights Reserved and all that stuff. All images(except ones on advertisement) are created by Garrett and may not be used on other sites. SpamFish is owned by Garrett and he owns all rights to the cartoon, so there! He created the cartoon, by the way. Why am I speaking in third person? I don't make any money from this cartoon(yet), so don't get mad if I use a trademarked name.